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Take a look at our FAQ’s and contact us today on 01772 338892 if you would like some more information.

Oil Tank FAQ’s

What Is A Single Skin Tank?

A single-skin tank is a plastic or steel container

What Is A Bunded Tank?

A tank within a tank, so if the inner tank fails, the oil is contained in the outer tank.

Do I Need A Bunded Tank & How Do I Know?

All tanks for commercial use must be bunded, domestics can be risk assessed, but most sites now require bunded tanks.

What Materials Are Plastic Tanks Manufactured From?

Medium-density polyethene (MDPE) is rotationally moulded.

Oil Tank Installation FAQ’s

How Close To A Boundary Can I Place An Oil Storage Tank

760mm away or less if you put fire protection in between the tank and boundary, but tanks should be 300mm away from walls to allow for inspection all around.

How Close To A Flute Outlet Can I Place An Oil Tank


What Are The Base Requirements For Plastic Oil Tanks

The base should extend 300mm extra around; this is for fire protection in case there is a grass fire, for instance.

Can I Fit A Tank Myself?

Yes, you can, but Building Control should sign it off.

Oil Tank Accessories FAQ’s

Can I Fit A Site Gauge To A Bunded Tank?

No all gauges must be within the bunded area and a sight gauge up the front of a plastic tank is outside of the bund.

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